Conference Reactions - Not always uplifting, but clarifying always!
A Mormon Feminist Facebook Group posted this photo
My Mormon Feminist response: "Feminism
is about the right to choose, at it's core it's primarily about agency,
this group is no more pertinent to the word feminism than it is worthy
of the term Mormon. With so many of the true feminist issues on the
table including abuse, pornography and equality in relationships all of
which were discussed during conference this weekend. Man bashing is not
feminism, but this group is more than just Misandry, it mocks women for
their choices, the very thing that feminism upholds as sacrosanct.
Misanthropy is unattractive at best and an indication of personal
weakness so often borne of unhealed wounds which fester and breed
contempt and pride. What ever personal views can be expressed, what ever
opinions can be held, mocking even in jest, indicates as Shakespeare
suggests 'Jesters do oft prove prophets' and in this case false
prophets. I'm exercising my agency to listen to the better angels of our
society and hearken to the voices of those who truly champion the
rights, responsibilities and privileges of women - like Elder Clayton
did yesterday along with numerous other speakers. In short, read a
little Dworkin, some McKinnon, some Griffin and Wolstonecraft, Plath and
Woolf, then call yourself a Feminist. Read Jesus the Christ, The
Proclamation to the World on the Family, The Living Christ and the
Miracle of Forgiveness, then call yourself a Mormon. Ignorance never was
happiness, informed choice requires knowledge, obtained with both heart
and mind, mine is open to real discussion about women's issues, not the
cowardice of anonymous mockery of the choices of others. Feminism is a
word we need in a world that degrades, devalues and demeans women, that
should unite, protect and uplift those whose voices, bodies and minds
which have not been nurtured, heard and respected. Feminist voices
should be better than snide jokes, we should be the first to stand for
the agency to choose and live up to the incredible privilege it is to be
a woman in this time in the Earth's history, even when that choice is
to vacuum carpet - as feminists, as women, we should be the first to
acknowledge the right to choose that action should it be so desired of
the participant. For all that people have tried to abuse it and disown
it, ‘feminism’ is still the word we need. No other word will do. So
please don't speak for me as a feminist, your views are inconsistent
with the core values of feminism and they are inconsistent with the
doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are entirely at liberty to
hold these views, to express them and have the courtesy of civility
extended to you when you exercise your agency to do so - but please, for
the good of sociological research, the peace of mind of feminists
everywhere, and a homage to truth please don't label them mormon, please
don't call yourself a feminist, these are words of specific meaning, of
honour and importance, words that matter because people matter - their
agency, matters, that is Feminism, that I think you'll find, is the Plan
of Salvation."
And that's the ball game people!
A little bit of your commentary popped up in my news feed. I listened to that talk and found it moving. What a shame that some people used their precious time to disparage someone who took the time to prepare that talk, took the time and courage to say it. You don't have to enjoy every talk and think it is for you, but being civil and courteous is the least we should expect. Treating each other with compassion and kindness is also feminism. (And incidentally a big part of the plan of salvation, if you ask me ;)) Well put my friend, well put.