Sunday, May 6, 2012

What do you get if you cross a Hippo & a Cat?

Answer....  a turtle

So everyone in my family has a spirit animal.... mine is the Hippo
These animal resemblances are both physical and characterological - so obviously the sheer size and presence of a hippo suits my petite physique perfectly, the unique ears, flaring nostrils and icy stare also aid the animal doppelganger effect.
Hippos spend most of their days wallowing in the water or the mud, with the other members of their pod. The water serves to keep their body temperature down, and to keep their skin from drying out. At night Hippos venture onto land in the cooler temperatures to graze (for four or five hours at a time). While Hippos are herbivores they are extremely aggressive particularly when their young are present.

Jared is the Black Panther -

The Black Panther is a bit of a legendary creature - a bit like my husband, they are solitary animals, hunting and recreating alone despite living as part of a larger social group.

and then we have Bridget... so what do you get if you cross a Hippo & a Panther?

clearly the answer is.... a Turtle. Now maybe it's the fact that Bridget as a baby has no neck and like the hungry bird she is always has her mouth open... but a turtle I think she may be,

Perhaps it's a comment about my parenting that Turtles when they hatch on the beach must squirm their way to the surface and head toward the water. There are no known species in which the mother cares for the young... Finding Nemo made it sound so much more healthy & cool!

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