Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve - Day

 Christmas Eve began with a run around the house in the Babywalker - Bridget was delighted to have so many obstacles to maneuver especially the sparkly and shiny ones!
 Showing of the gorgeous knashers....
 and the minxy smile we love so well...

 In the afternoon Bridget & Mummy went for a walk and Bridget wore her extra-special reindeer fleecey...
 but we had to come home early as it was getting dark and was very cold outside!
We played with the chimes and Bridget loved watching us bashing out the Carols - this picture seems to say.... "Give me more vibrato on that last note Mummy!"
 Then... it was bath time, and as usual, Bridget had a whale of a time!

 Mummy made a Buche de Noel & Daddy made Chocolate Ice-cream...

 Then we played some Carols on the Piano, and Daddy helped with the Bass.

 Bridget devised some of her own arrangements.....
 but all that work was pretty exhausting and it was time for bed...
So we finished the night in true Christmas tradition with - Muppet Christmas Carol

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