Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day in the life of an ordinary Thursday with Cinderella Bridget

Thursday, it's one of my favourite days of the week, right after Monday, it ranks pretty highly! Bridget and I have usually exhausted our routine of cleaning, shopping and errand running by Wednesday and so Thursday is PLAY DAY.

We were having a family over for dinner - so Bridget and I, instead of the usual Play-dough party made Sugar cookies with our new Farm Animal cookie cutters, Bridget appeared to be pretty impressed with her handiwork.. you can't see it in the picture, but I particularly loved her Snakes that she added "freehand".

Of course, this being Bridget, she had to selected and sample one... or two just to make sure they were up to standard! (Unfortunately, she appears to have the same policy for our Playdough creations also... hmph!)

 Now, once the cookies are eaten and the surfaces cleaned and rolling pins packed away it was time to put the dinner in the oven. Bridget and Baby Cat amused themselves admirably well utilizing one slipper and a Peppa Pig raincoat!
 Though, it was clear that my picture taking was not entirely welcome, as she stopped instructing Baby cat on the proper care and feeding of pigs and muddy puddles to give me a "this is private" look!
 That said, she soon resumed the instruction, which Baby Cat appeared to take great interest in, or at least, didn't struggle as much as Clessie had!
 With a little help, Bridget wiggled into her Raincoat and she and Baby Cat took a ride in the Crazy Coupe delivering soup (I believe it was Giraffe and Cupcake Flavour today) to the Princess Palace. Interestingly enough, Bridget fed each of the Princesses using a slotted spoon, apart from Ariel, who I think was maybe on time out, because she was upside down on the balcony.

As I may have mentioned... Pastry has long been a dreaded and revolting substance when I have attempted it in the past, but Jared had Pumpkins left over from the garden that I really wanted rid of along with some very very ripe Apples left over from Bridget & I's attempt at the ridiculous (and totally impossible) Pinterest craft 'Mini Toffee Apple Balls'. So, Pumpkin Pie and Apple Pie were on the cards for dessert. Bridget decided to help me and was particularly fond of her oven gloves which she chased me, and then the cats around the house, shouting "nippa-nippa-nip-nip" hmm, I wonder where she'd heard that before?

Bridget helped dinner along by fetching the pumpkin for the pies!
 So with the dinner in the oven and the decking swept off courtesy of our in house Cinderella, there was nothing left but for a little fresh air! Bridget is without doubt an outdoor child, she just loves stomping around the garden in her wellies and raincoat (when it's not 25*C in January). Thursday was her usual routine of sweeping, sliding and terrorizing the wildlife.
  Might as well be saying "I can do it myself"... because that look says it all!
It's not always particularly convenient for us to be outside, and being 21 months old and a monkey requires constant supervision...
 But then, how can you say no to this face?
 Therefore, I have been inventing games we can play outside that reduce the amount of cat bothering that takes place... On Thursday the game was potion making and it was very popular... and from the look on Bridget's face pretty tasty too!
 The secret we found to a good potion was plenty of "stuff" to float on top and a healthy supply of rocks to make a good noise when stirring.
 So yes, my favourite part of the afternoon is the shock on Bridget's face when she manages to lift the bucket full of water and pour it down her front... this neccesitated our third outfit change of the day and ended the acquatic adventures for the time being, which was fortunate because the buzzer on the oven was going off and we hadn't heard it!
The conclusion to this story is - I have finally mastered Pastry - it's taken me 28 years, but I can finally say, thanks to my Kitchen Aid Mixer and a wonderful recipe in Jamie's America, that is is edible and hassle free! 
My new found pastry confidence lent itself to the creation of this delicious pudding - Apple Pie Crisp which I will post the recipe (haha, list of ingredients with suggested approximate measurements) for some time in the future! Having eaten 3/4 of the creation myself, I can vouch for it.

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