Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Friends

This week Bridget and I made the trek down to Petaluma to see friends. Bridget had her first baby play date with Nyah, and it was amazing to watch two little ones check each other out!
Bridget loved playing with the rolling eggs and Nyah would help her pick them up and roll them back down the slide.
 Bridget watched the Disney Junior channel for the first time and enjoyed Mickey's Playhouse... oh dear!

 Lots of fun was had crawling and racing toward new toys and people!

 but... we always had to check that Mummy was still there!
 Bridget had a play date with baby Mateo - he's three months younger than Bridget - but weighs the same... and what a cutie pie!!! Bridget was very taken with him.

Kinyatta took some great pictures of Bridget...

Sometimes, you're just too cute for words...
Bridget now has five teeth and is grinding in the sixth (yuk yuk yuk) possibly the worst noise in the world.

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