Sunday, December 8, 2013

Once there was a Snowman

Jared wasn't home to direct me in the proper care of the car so I pleased myself!
After 3 hours of Journeying to Bethlehem I was greeted by 6 inches of snow!

It's amazing how quickly those snow driving skills come back to you after the first weightless steering experience!

Fortunately Bridget was tucked up and snuggly watching Pingu at home with McKenna her babysitter for the evening!
I've been reading a blog on Photography skills and thought I'd take the opportunity to try out a few of the techniques - you can't tell from this picture but it was jet black outside being about 11:30pm

Waiting for Jared's tire tracks to make it home!

Ready for action!
Bridget found a use for Celery!
Helping Daddy begin our Snowman...

 What do you think of Snow Bridget? "Ooooooh"
A Leopard in the Snow

Grumpy Face!

Building a snowman the authentic way - with Celery and a Hoe.

Presenting our Snowman!

Once there was a Snowman, tall tall tall!

Mummy & Bridget with Snowman
This is what happens when you give Bridget unsupervised time!
Snowmen eat Celery... whether they like it or not!
Percy Wilbur Carson the First
It wasn't a hit!
Our Little Beauty in a Winter Wonderland

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