Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Hoag Herd - Goat additions!

About 8 months ago we talked about having some goats on the property to clear the brush, brambles and trees which have been taking over the acreage at the back of the house.
This morning Jared informed me that three goats would be arriving for a temporary stay with us courtesy of Bro. Walton Sr who needed somewhere to move his goats to! A match made in heaven, plenty of free grazing and space for his three pack goats while we enjoy the novelty of temporary and useful pets!
 Bridget was pretty keen on the idea when she saw them being unloaded from the horse box and the fencing being erected around the property. Of course, it's not the coveted horse... but it turns out you can ride most animals if you really want to and only weigh 24lbs!
 So here they are, our temporary additions to the Hoag Herd, George, Porter & Bridger!

Very appropriate names I thought, George being the name of our very favourite monkey, Bridger clearly being the male equivalent of a Bridget and Porter... well, there's always an awkward one! (haha)

After all the fencing was checked and the goats settled into their new digs, Bridget and I went out to meet the possie!
One could have excused them from welcoming us, being new and having a great deal of land to survey, but clearly Goats are more friendly than I'd given them credit!
All three noses were presented for petting and they appeared quite delighted to be made a fuss of.
I have to say, bristly coats, but I'm sure that Bridget and I will have them brushed down and sparkly by the end of the week. After our experience with the Miniature Horse decked out in hair bows, I feel a goat hairpiece pinterest search on the cards!
 So, a rousing welcome to George, Porter and Bridger... I'll have fleecey coats sewn up for you in no time. (I asked if the goats would need to come indoors during the cold winter nights which was quickly scoffed at by the human male entourage accompanying the beasts...). I think fleecey tartan blankets and matching hats would be rather adorable myself!

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