Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bridget smiles

Bridget is the complete opposite of me in many ways, most notably that her happiest time of the day tends to be between 6:30am and 9:30am. Personally I see no valid reason to be quite so delighted with life at that time in the morning - but perhaps she's just relieved to have survived another night without being smothered by a cat. Night owl that I am I can't help appreciate the sweetness of a morning loving baby, yesterday morning Bridget and I had a conversation of smiles, kicks and babbles. It was a very sweet 15 minutes especially because Bridget is quite a serious baby most of the time and seems to prefer the ceiling fan to watching either myself or Jared!
Nonetheless, here is the last 2 minutes of our baby dialogue.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline, she is the darlingest. And yes, that is a word. Can't wait to meet her in real life.
