Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July - Jared's Chocolate Ice-cream

Having no Independence day traditions in my family (naturally) we pretty much roll with Jared's customs surrounding "the fourth". Jared informs me that watching fireworks in the bed of your truck and making homemade ice-cream are the required activities for celebrating an annexed nation of hicks, hippies and the socially deprived. So that we did... we made Chocolate Ice-cream (and truth be told added chocolate chip cookie dough balls - gross) and watched the fireworks from the bed of Jared's dodge in the mall parking lot - yup we're officially hicks now! But all joking aside - the ice-cream was rather excellent... tastes like a very smooth flake and wasn't at all fiddly to make!
Chocolate Ice-Cream for Jared-pusses
1-1/2 cups Sugar
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
6 egg yolk, lightly beaten
4oz semisweet chocolate, chopped
4 cups heavy cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1. Combine sugar, milk, salt, and cocoa powder in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a simmer. Place the egg yolks into a small bowl.
2. Gradually stir in about 1/2 cup of the hot liquid and return to the saucepan. Heat until thickened, but do not boil.
3. Remove from the heat & stir in the chopped chocolate until melted.
4. Pour into a chilled bowl & refrigerate for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
5. When chocolate mixture has completely cooled, stir in the cream, and vanilla.
6. Pour into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to manufacturer's directions

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