Thursday, July 5, 2012

Camping.. what a lark

Jared and I were so lucky this week to take off for a few days to Whiskeytown lake with two of "our girls" on loan from their "real" parents!
We cooked on an open fire, slept on the ground and swam in the lake... it was real camping and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Putting the tent up was a bit of a hoot - Miss Baba decided to walk all over it and we spent the rest of the trip admiring her dusty footprint perfectly formed on the walls of the shelter!
Bridget was a little doll, laying back in her baby lounger in the tent - at the lake, chilling out and having fun.... under protective mosquito netting... of course!
In fact we took the mosquitoes pretty seriously....
The other thing I take very seriously on a camping expedition is the food... and naturally cinnamon rolls were called for along with some lovely apple cinnamon muffins!
The fire would never have been possible without the 'Lady of The Flames' as she came to be called Miss L was an amazing firesetter (in the nicest possible way!)
and Miss Baba watched over the food very carefully in true Paula Deen style! More on that later...
The giggles extended well into the night with shouts of 'hemorrhoids' and reminiscing about cake stealers and silent meals... and many many other hilarious experiences! Consequently - the early mornings weren't always welcomed by every member of the party!

We had a wonderful time, though it was hot in such an inconvenient fashion that we were ready to come home on day three!
 Bridget loved all the attention and late nights --> she's her mummy's girl for sure!
The lake was beautiful and I even ventured in with Bridget... though she didn't think much of getting wet... only a toe touched the surface before she let us know in no uncertain terms that swimming was not an option! But everyone else enjoyed a dip!
 And of course no outing is complete without a picture of Jared sleeping...
Jared and Bridget got to spend some quality time together which mostly consisted of walkies and raspberries!

We did take one group picture balancing on a can of coke... so it's wonky to say the least!
Despite the heat, the bugs and lack of bathing facilities... life was good!

P.S The most hilarious moment of the trip --->

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